Asbestos / Mesothelioma / Mass Torts Asbestos and Mesothelioma ISG is the leader in investigations of asbestos-related disease claims. We have developed proprietary methodology that allows us to identify and locate previously unknown witnesses to exposure and to identify and document alternate sources of exposure. We are well versed in EPA, AHERA, Clean Air Act, Toxic Substance Control Act, NEPA and NESHAP regulations, and many other guidelines related to the documentation and mitigation of damages. We have investigated numerous cases in industrial, commercial, governmental, agricultural, retail, military, and environmental settings. Services to plaintiff and defendant firms include field investigation, deposition and interrogatory support, witness location, and fee-based attorney consultation service. Mass Torts We work cases involving drugs, mold, asbestos, chemicals, beryllium, medical devices, and carbon nanotechnologies. These are complex cases involving numerous defendants and significant scientific issues. We serve the defense bar and also provide fee-based consultation service to plaintiff’s counsel.
Investigative Services Group, Inc. www.isgpi.com Contact | 1900 Monroe Street, Toledo Ohio 43604 | Toledo Ohio Private Investigator |